Sunday, July 4, 2010

Nails Nails and Nails!

For those who know me at all... know I'm absolutely obsessed with nail polish! My favourite brand would definitely be O.P.I. -- Lasts long and the colors looking incredible! Here are a few of my favourites that I would wear all the time (Starting from the left):

1. Miami Beat
2. Funky Dunky
3. Malaga Wine
4. Black Onyx
5. Midnight in Moscow
6. Ate Berries in the Canaries

My favourite for the summer: 1 & 6 !


Anonymous said...

love the recent nail polish, love the colours:)

Anonymous said...

love the nail polish collection, great for the summer!!!!:)

Anonymous said...

love the nail polish collection, bright and summery colours!!!!:)

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